× Items shown below form part of "Compliance Series". More Detail

Basic Conditions of Employment Act

‘The Basic Conditions of Employment Act’ forms part of the Signify Pollen Compliance Series. The Basic Conditions of Employment Act series is designed to help you to familiarize yourself with the legislation that guides the basic rights and responsibilities of your employer, and yourself. In this series, you will learn about the legal guidelines for working hours, overtime, leave and compensation (pay).

Cybersecurity Awareness

‘Cybersecurity Awareness’ is part of the Signify Pollen Compliance Series. Cybersecurity Awareness is where our fight against cybercrimes begins. Additionally, cybersecurity awareness training does not only lower the risks of security threats but also frees up the IT department's time by avoiding cybersecurity breaches.

Employment Equity Act

‘The Employment Equity Act’ forms part of the Signify Pollen Compliance Series. The Employment Equity Act series is designed to help you to familiarize yourself with the legislation that guides the purpose and implementation of a workplace that is fair and where all employees are treated equally regardless of gender, age or race. In this series you will gain knowledge of the content of the Employment Equity Act. It is important for you to be aware of how your organisation’s policies work with the Act.


The Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act, or FAIS was implemented in 2004. The purpose of the FAIS Act is to regulate the activities of role-players in the financial services industry to protect consumers who invest in and buy financial products and services. This Pollen Series is an introduction to FAIS and will help you to better understand the content of the FAIS Act.


Unethical and unlawful conduct have become key issues in a globalised world. The organisation that is above reproach has in turn become a rare commodity. Even with the best risk strategies, processes and procedures in place, successful risk management depends largely on the commitment of every employee. This series looks at Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing, Suspicious Transactions and Know Your Customer.

First Aid in the Workplace

This series enables employees to provide primary emergency care (first aid) in the workplace.

Introduction to PoPIA

‘The PoPI Act’ forms part of the Signify Pollen Compliance Series. The PoPI Act series is designed to help you to familiarize yourself with the legislation that guides the PoPI (Protection of Personal Information) Act. William Gibson said, ‘It's impossible to move, to live, to operate at any level without leaving traces, bits, seemingly meaningless fragments of personal information.’ Our privacy is important to us, especially in the digital age, and in South Africa, the protection of Personal Information is a legal right. This series will help you understand how the PoPI Act protects that right. It will also assist companies to get an overview of how they should comply with the legislative guidelines of this Act.

Labour Relations Act

‘The Labour Relations Act forms part of the Signify Pollen Compliance Series. The Labour Relations Act series is designed to help you to familiarize yourself with the legislation that regulates workplace relationships. It is of critical importance for every employer, manager, supervisor and employee. It helps us to understand our rights and responsibilities, as well as guide our conduct in the workplace to improve relationships and performance. In this series you will gain knowledge of the content of the Labour Relations Act. It is important for you to be aware that your organisation’s policies work with the Act.

Occupational Health and Safety Act

‘The Occupational Health and Safety Act’ forms part of the Signify Pollen Compliance Series. The Occupational Health and Safety Act series is designed to help you to familiarize yourself with the legislation that guides behaviour and workplace rules regarding safety and health. Both the employer and employee have responsibilities to ensure that your workplace is safe and healthy. In this series you will gain knowledge of the content of the Occupational Health and Safety Act. It is important for you to be aware of how your organisation’s policies work with the Act.

PoPIA for Employees

The PoPI Act forms part of the Signify Pollen Compliance Series. William Gibson said, ‘It’s impossible to move, to live, to operate at any level without leaving traces, bits, seemingly meaningless fragments of personal information.’ Our privacy is important to us, and in South Africa, the protection of Personal Information is a legal right. This series will help you understand how the PoPI Act protects that right. It will also assist companies in getting an overview of how they should comply with the legislative guidelines of this Act.