× Items shown below form part of "Transversal Skills Series". More Detail


‘Decision Making’ is part of the Signify Pollen Series. The Decision-Making series is designed to empower you with the knowledge and techniques to improve your decision-making skills. J. R. Rim said, “It's not about making the right choice. It's about making a choice and making it right.” We make decisions every moment of our lives; from the decision to open our eyes in the morning, deciding what route to take to work, what to wear, until the moment we decide to go to sleep. Big decisions can become disabling if we do not have the skills to see our decisions through. The purpose of this series is to equip you will some techniques and strategies to help you make better decisions.

Diversity Management

‘Diversity Management’ is part of the Signify Pollen Series. The Diversity Management series is designed to help you to overcome the barriers that a diverse and multi-cultural workplace and society may present. Jesse Jackson said, “Inclusion is not a matter of political-correctness. It is the key to growth.” Each person has value to add and a different perspective that is equally worthy to consider. In this series you will gain an understanding of what diversity is, its benefits for your organisation and ways that your organisation can enhance diversity management and inclusivity.

How to Apologise

‘How to Apologise’ is part of the Signify Pollen Series. The How to Apologise series is designed to equip you with the knowledge and understanding of why apologising is so important. Kevin Hancock said, “Apologies aren’t meant to change the past, they are meant to change the future.” The way we respond when we do something wrong defines how we move forward. This series aims to help you to gauge what appropriate and inappropriate behavior is. You will look at the reasons why we don’t apologise and you will be provided with simple steps to help you make a sincere apology.


‘Problem-Solving’ is part of the Signify Pollen Series. The Problem-Solving series is designed to help you to better negotiate complex situations through honing in on your problem-solving skills. Robert H. Schullers said, “Never underestimate your problem or your ability to deal with it.” We are often ill equipped to deal with new or unexpected problems. This series aims to provide a framework of techniques that you can lean on when dealing with situations that require innovative solutions on a regular basis.