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‘Problem-Solving’ is part of the Signify Pollen Series. The Problem-Solving series is designed to help you to better negotiate complex situations through honing in on your problem-solving skills. Robert H. Schullers said, “Never underestimate your problem or your ability to deal with it.” We are often ill equipped to deal with new or unexpected problems. This series aims to provide a framework of techniques that you can lean on when dealing with situations that require innovative solutions on a regular basis.

‘Problem-Solving’ is part of the Signify Pollen Series.


The Problem-Solving series is designed to help you to better negotiate complex situations through honing in on your problem-solving skills. Robert H. Schullers said,  “Never underestimate your problem or your ability to deal with it.” We are often ill equipped to deal with new or unexpected problems. This series aims to provide a framework of techniques that you can lean on when dealing with situations that require innovative solutions on a regular basis.

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