× Items shown below form part of "Life Skills Series". More Detail

Courageous Conversations

‘Courageous Conversations’ forms part of the Signify Pollen Series. The Courageous Conversations series is designed to help you to deal with difficult conversations that require courage and boldness on your part. Margaret Wheatley said, “Be brave enough to have the conversation that matters.” This bravery is second nature to some of us, while others struggle to broach conversations that may create discomfort or even conflict at home or at work. This series aims to equip you with information and strategies on how to have successful courageous conversations without the fear.

Making change easy

‘Making Change Easy’ is part of the Signify Pollen Series. The Making Change Easy series is designed to help you to assess and pinpoint the areas where you are most resistant to change, and from there work towards developing flexibility and adaptability in your life. A Buddhist teaching says that “Change is never painful; it is only the resistance to change that is painful.” In our increasingly uncertain world, change is an inevitable fact, yet it can be very difficult to cope with change. This series aims to provide you with information and practical tips for dealing with those areas of change that you struggle with the most.


‘Resilience’ is part of the Signify Pollen Series. The Resilience series is designed to help you understand what resilience is and why it is a useful character trait to have and grow in your life. Dr Steve Maraboli said, "Life doesn't get easier or more forgiving; we get stronger and more resilient." This is so true, while we may think some people are just born stronger and more resilient than us, the truth is that resilience can be developed, in anyone! This series covers the different competencies; the skills and tools we can use to develop and improve our resilience.

Stress Management

‘Stress Management’ is part of the Signify Pollen Series. The Stress Management series is designed to help you to understand, and identify the current stressors in your life and from that point provides strategies for coping and managing those stressors. Hans Selye said, "Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one." Changing the way we think and feel about stress is so important. This series will help you understand what stress is, how to differentiate between different stressors, it will provide you with strategies for managing stress, and mechanisms to deal with excessive stress.