× Items shown below form part of "Technical Skills Series". More Detail

PC Basics

‘PC Basics’ is part of the Signify Pollen Series. The PC Basics series is designed to help you to understand the basic functionality of your PC, to be more effective in your job. Malcolm X said, ‘Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” The more you can learn about computers, the better prepared you will be for the future. This series is followed by a short assessment to test your understanding of what you have learned.

Selling Like a Pro

“Selling like a Pro” is part of the Signify Pollen Series. "Sales is not about selling anymore, but about building trust and educating."- Siva Devaki This series will help you to use the 7-step sales process in an adaptive way. It will also help you to discover and build characteristics that successful salespeople have in common. This series is practical and fast-paced, so be ready to think on your feet!

Telephone Etiquette

The purpose of Telephone Etiquette is to make you better at your job! You will be given practical opportunities to apply your knowledge to actual situations. Each POD gradually builds upon the foundation of the previous, equipping you as you go. This series will help you pinpoint the areas in your etiquette that need work, while telling you why it is important to do so. This course is designed to be fun, while at the same time equipping you to excel in your telephone etiquette.