× Items shown below form part of "Relationship Building and Networking Skills Series". More Detail

Dealing with difficult People

‘Dealing with Difficult People’ is part of the Signify Pollen Series. The Dealing with Difficult People series is designed to help you with some mechanisms and tactics for dealing with people who could be irrational, defensive, argumentative or unproductive to name a few. Dave Willis said, “Show respect even to people who don’t deserve it; not as a reflection of their character, but as a reflection of yours.” We will always encounter difficult people in our lives; it may be at our kids’ school, at work or even a family member or friend. Knowing how to interact with people who are difficult is a valuable skill that will make your life easier and many situations more bearable. This series aims to help you to become more successful in dealing with difficult people.

Effective Emails

‘Effective Emails’ is part of the Signify Pollen Series. The Effective Emails series is designed to provide you with a framework for writing clear, concise emails that get the job done. William Wheeler said, ‘Good writing is clear thinking made visible.” Email is the most popular form of communication in business. Given this fact, it is so peculiar that most of us have never received proper training or guidance on how to write emails that effectively communicate our message. This series aims to help you do just that, it will provide you with a solid base of information and rules to follow in the writing of effective emails.

How to talk to anyone

‘How to Talk to Anyone’ is part of the Signify Pollen Series. The How to Talk to Anyone series is designed to equip you will the information and advice on how to become a great conversationalist. Paul J Meyer said, “Communication – the human connection – is the key to personal and career success.” The ability to connect with those around you, to listen, be heard and understood is an incredibly valuable skill. This series aims to prepare you for conversations from small talk, to more complex generational communication.