× Items shown below form part of "Workplace Conduct Series". More Detail

Dealing with Bullying

‘Dealing with Bulling’ is part of the Signify Pollen Series. The Dealing with Bullying series is designed to equip you with the information and support necessary to identify and respond to bullying in any sphere. Maya Angelou said, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” Although it is a basic human right to live and work in a safe environment, there are individuals that violate this right. Bullies are individuals who constantly victimise their targets, sometimes pushing their targets to breaking point. This series aims to help people who are targeted by a bully to deal with this unacceptable circumstance.

Effective Meetings - Heritage Edition

Meeting Etiquette

‘Meeting Etiquette’ is part of the Signify Pollen Series. The Meeting Etiquette series is designed to provide you with the skills to conduct efficient and effective meetings while avoiding the pitfalls of unproductive, time wasting meetings. Herbert Clark Hoover said, “When the only outcome of a meeting is to have another meeting, it has been a lousy meeting.” Our conduct during meetings also contributes to whether a meeting is a time-waster or a power tool. This series aims to equip you to conduct concise, meaningful meetings that are of great value to any team and organisation.

Sexual Harassment

‘Sexual Harassment’ is part of the Signify Pollen Series. The Sexual Harassment series is designed to equip you with the information and support necessary to identify sexual harassment in the workplace or any other sphere. Sexual harassment is bullying of a sexual nature and it is illegal. Sexual harassment includes a range of actions from mild offences to sexual abuse or assault. Sexual harassment can devastate a victim’s life. The purpose of this series is to create a general awareness around what sexual harassment is, and to help identify sexual harassment in your workplace through awareness and education.