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Workplace Ethics

‘Workplace Ethics’ forms part of the Signify Pollen Compliance Series. The Workplace Ethics series is designed to explain what ethics is, and what ethical behavior looks like in the workplace. George MacDonald said that it is a greater compliment to be TRUSTED, than to be loved. Being known as an ethical person is one of the most powerful influencing tools you will ever have. An unwavering ‘code of personal conduct’ even when no-one is watching will serve you well in both your personal and professional relationships. This series aims to test your understanding of ethics through practical scenarios.

‘Workplace Ethics’ forms part of the Signify Pollen Compliance Series.


The Workplace Ethics series is designed to explain what ethics is, and what ethical behavior looks like in the workplace. George MacDonald said that it is a greater compliment to be TRUSTED, than to be loved. Being known as an ethical person is one of the most powerful influencing tools you will ever have. An unwavering ‘code of personal conduct’ even when no-one is watching will serve you well in both your personal and professional relationships. This series aims to test your understanding of ethics through practical scenarios.

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